March 2024
Set of four sound poems doubling as a self-guided audio walk.
Created by James Wilkes and Joseph Rizzo Naudi, with sound design by Michael Umney.
Commissioned by Spread The Word for Deptford Literature Festival 2024.
Download PDF (with location map)
Sounding Deptford webpage (with location map)
SOUNDING DEPTFORD is based around four beacons located in four places in Deptford. The audio poems draw on and are inspired by the sounds of Deptford and its communities, and they are designed specifically to be listened to at each of the four sites.
During the drafting process, the writers recorded voice letters to each other while at the four locations. These were then used to write the poems.
One of the things I first noticed about where I am is how much transit there is. There is a busy road. Actually separated by. The carriageway is separated by a barrier. So almost has the look of a dual carriageway, but there aren’t two carriageways. There’s just one, unless you count the bus lane, which is kind of etched into the side of the of the road. Nestling against the pavement, and the cars and vans and lorries, mainly, it seems. Vans, ambulances, a white single decker bus, which is a driver in training, passing by. I’ve come here specifically to this spot because it’s a spot which I feel connected to when it comes to this area in complicated ways. And it feels relevant that there’s so much transit happening, so much to-ing and fro-ing, and I’m standing here, not moving, speaking into this device. There is another person standing here as well, someone I’m reading as a man in a dark jacket with the hood up. He is actually standing exactly where I wanted to stand, which is exactly on the corner of the junction where the dual carriages are fed into by the road, which is almost as narrow as like a village lane. It’s really only a single sort of lane, and it goes down past the station, so it has lots of lots of foot traffic. This person is standing on the corner, looking out towards the traffic, going one way, flowing past them, and also turning the other way, looking down there’s a bus stop about 25 meters from where we’re both standing, and it’s possible that this person is waiting for the bus. But they’re standing a long way off. And they don’t seem to be looking out in particular for a bus. I’m sure they’ve noticed me. And I wonder what they think of me. I know they saw my cane and me sort of tapping my way past as I did.